Mon 27 Jan
MANIC ~*~ MONDAYS ~*~ HaPpY * HoUr ~*~ SpEcIaLS ~*~ ToDaY * OnLY - 30
(Denver, Dwntown everywhere ins/outs)
Why wait? 👅👅👄👀! !! I'm all you need!!! 💦💦🔥🔥312*450*0473💋😘 - 23
(Aurora, Denver, ins aurora,outs everywhere)
Tue 21 Jan
TGIF's Sexiest Choice -Denvers Finest DTC or West Ins / Outs All Over - 27
(Denver, DTC or West Ins / Outs Everywhere)
🍭🍬Sweet as it will ever get 🍬🍦715*303*2352🍰🍦 💋💋💦💦🔥🔥 proceed with caution!!" - 24
(Aurora, Denver, ins aurora,outs everywhere)
Seattle MIXED Cutie🎁with a perfect A.$.$.💙2days only👠👠👠Take a look for Yourself - 24
(City of Denver, Denver, DTC INs/OUTs everywhere airport downtown, Englewood)
It's your money stop wasting it and get something real!!!! 281 202 5136 out calls only - 23
(Denver, Lakewood ins outs everywhere)
Fun & Experienced Lets Play south Ins / Outs All Over - 27
(Denver, south/c470 Ins / Outs Everywhere)
Come taste perfection 720*213*5271 the absolute best 100 specials won't last long - 22
(Aurora, Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, ins aurora,outs everywhere)
••••█ •••• Attn: MEN WITH CLASS ••••█ •••• 2 GiRlS HeRe FoR yOuR SaTuRdAy PlEaSuRe••••█ •••• - 25
Sat 11 Jan
💫💢🔥💫 BaçK B¥ PoPüLaR D£mAÑD 👀 ViDeÕ & N€W PiçS 💫🔥💢💫 - 27
Thu 09 Jan
Come taste perfection 720*213*5271 the absolute best.....morning incall special - 22
(Aurora, Denver, ins aurora,outs everywhere)
••••█ •••• Attn: MEN WITH CLASS ••••█ •••• 2 GiRlS HeRe FoR yOuR LuNcHtImE PlEaSuRe••••█ •••• - 25
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Come taste perfection 720*213*5271 the absolute best - 22
(Aurora, Denver, ins aurora,outs everywhere)
Thu 02 Jan