Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
[":":":":":[ sExY __ oRgAsMiC __ [:":":":":"[ wEt ]___ TaNtRiC mAsSaGe___ :":":":":"]~> - 24
('university and orchard')
Tue 07 Jan
[__ _____ [ `'> yUmMy [ sWeEt ]... [*x*X*x*] ....nAuGhTy TaNtRa `'`]_____ __] - 24
([[*`' university and orchard'`])
Tantric Bliss: High-Vibing Priestess with Magical Healing Hands Offering Sacred, Sexual Massage - 25
(Aurora - Iliff and Peoria (in), Denver)
💋 🌠 the stuff that fantasies are made of... sexy bi couple body rub - 34
(Denver, Other cities: Northwest, Westminster)
Mon 06 Jan
Visiting NOW! ExXotic Tantric Massage by Curvy,Busty Brazilian GODDESS! 100% ReaL - 27
(Denver, Downtown East - Quebec Street)
''''' [ ~> === sWeeT ... aMaZiNg ===> "`~'RaiNy DaY'~`" TaNtRa ===]~> - 24
('university and orchard')
[(*¨¨*·-:¦:- ·[ sWeEt *¨¨*] ·-:¦:- ·[*x*X*x*] *¨¨*·-:¦:- TaNtRiC mAsSaGe ·-:¦:*¨¨*)]~> - 24
('university and orchard')
AddIcTiVe 💋(VIP Treatment*)💋 GuRaNTeeD To Bl💨w YoUr MiNd! !!QUALiTY MASSAGE! Available now* - 24
(Boulder, Outcall To Upscale Home Or Hotel)
Tantric touch, connect to your higher self - 51
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, manitou springs, Pueblo, Rockies)
Sun 05 Jan
'[ .... [ VeRy ] ....sWeEt... {[[ BeAuTiFuL ]]} ...aLL ...niGhT.... [ sPeCiaLs ]....] ~> - 24
('university and orchard')
[__ [(*¨¨*·-:¦:-·[ *sWeEt ¨*] ·-:¦:- ·[* nAuGhtY *] *¨¨* ·-xXx-· >* TaNtRiC massage *)]~> __] - 24
('university and orchard')
I combine tantric pressure points and deep tissue for the best massage you'll ever have. - 35
(Denver Northwest, Wheatridge)
❤❤Petite H0TT MYA Ready to HELP u RELAX & RELEASE💋 with a SEXX! BODY RUB⭐⭐❤❤ outcall Only - 24
(Denver, Aurora/Denver OUTCALL ONLY)
OUTCALL!!! Out of the Ash, I Rise With My Red Hair & Eat Men Like Air - 24
(Aurora, Denver, Outcall)
Sat 04 Jan
{(( ... x^X^x ,, ,)))} {((* aMaZiNg *))} {((TaNtRiC))} {((mAsSaGe))} {((aLL nIgHt))}...~> - 24
***Stronger hands soft touch*** body yo body pleasure! - 27
(Denver, Denver, Boulder, surrounding areas)
**** Tantric and deep tissue massage**** $80/ hour in-call - 35
(Denver, Wheatridge / Arvada / Lakewood)
***** Treat yourself to a one of kind tantric massage experience 80/hour/outcall ***** - 35
☆*☆Slippery Teasing Tantra Expert Prostate... Stimulating EVERY Sense Covering EVERY Inch! - - 27
Fri 03 Jan
{~"{((( ViP )))} aLL nIgHt '~"> DeLiCiOuS... eRoTiC... sWeeT ... TaNtRiC "~' mAsSaGe '~"}~> - 24
('university and orchard')
Sun/Mon Football Specials That'll Make You Feel Better..even if you're a Raiders fan! - 35
(Denver Southwest, Denver South)
{"* sWeEt *~>* ReLaXaTiOn *~>* 'aMaZiNg (o) (r) (g) (a) (s) (m) (i) (c) *~* TaNtRiC mAsSaGe}~> - 24
('hwy 36 and sheridan')
[______ __ ----- sExY [ * sWeeT* ] ---oRgAsMiC [*wEt*] ---TaNtRa]>___ _____] - 24
('gReEnWoOd ViLLaGe')
''''''''''''' {***> {*x*X*x*} .... { ~' TaNtRa '~} ... bY cAnDLe LiGhT {~' aLL nIgHt '~} ***> - 24
('university and orchard')
Turn up the Volume of Pleasure and Confidence by Experiencing Tantra with Dakini Dawn - 56
(Boulder, Boulder/Longmont, Denver)
~the one... the only... MILO DE NIN... goddess of the EXOTIC and EROTIC... newly INDEPENDENT!!!~ - 26
Tall, Slender,Blonde Beautiful Love Goddess ,VISITING 5/19 Hrs 230-830pm only - 35
(Boulder, Boulder North)
Thu 02 Jan