Tue 21 Jan
SiSTeRs!! *^*SiSTeR's Holiday SPECIALS!!!!*^* NONrushed FuN w/ InDePeNdEnT, DiScReEt, PrOfESsIoNaL's - 24
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods/HWY I-25 colo.spring)
Double Dipper Specials!! ★ █ BLONDE & BRUNETTE █★ SPECIALS - 26
(Colorado Springs, GARDEN OF GODS/I-25)
©THICKER than a Snicker LILLIANNA bringing YOU a little piece of PARADISE!! - 22
(Colorado Springs, garden of the gods and I 25)
LATINA TRAnsexuAL★][★7 Surprise★]VERSE TOP and Bottom[★] [★] ~~ 100% FUNCTIONAL -availaible now - 23
(Colorado Springs, I 25 & GARDEN OF THE GODS)
🍒 Brunette AvaiLabLe🍒°•° 1oo% SaTiSFaCTiON °•🍒•° gUaRaNTeeD °🍒•° - 22
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the gods rd and I 25)
Thu 09 Jan
~~~Im LeaViNg 2MoRRow, and I am NOT SatiSfIEd...CaN U HeLp?~~~ - 28
(Colorado Springs, Incall @ garden of gods & i 25)
Wed 08 Jan
2 GIRLS (or just1)*^* NONrushed FuN w/2 GiRL's of fun holiday delight & satisfaction - 24
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods/HWY I-25 colo.spring)
Fri 03 Jan
LEAVING in a FEW Hours...I want to GIVE U What U NEED! - 27
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods & I 25)
Thu 02 Jan