Tue 21 Jan
start your friday off right 100$ special tob reviewed LiSa.MoNroe - 18
(Denver, i-70 and Peoria (INCALLS ONLY))
🍑🍑Spontaneous♥ 💎Upscale ♥💎Sweet ♥💎Satisfying🍑🍑.👄👄OUT CALLS AVAILABLE💋💋IN CALLS PREFERRED - 24
(All of Denver, City of Denver, Denver)
GET IT WHILE its **OO*TT* & u can't stop till u drop $80 INCALL SPECIAL ONLY!!! - 25
(I70 arvada, denver, dtc,boulder all ares)
💋💕💕Butterfly here waiting for you to 💦come take the✈✈flight of your dreams💋💋💕INCALL/OUTCALL🔥 - 22
(City of Denver, Denver, Denver ,Surrounding Areas, I-70 Peoria)
looking for a early Valentine 100$ special LiSa.MoNroe tob reviewed - 18
(Denver, i-70 and Peoria (INCALLS ONLY))
Tue 07 Jan
start your friday off right 100$ special tob reviewed LiSa.MoNroe - 18
(Denver, i-70 and Peoria (INCALLS ONLY))
Sun 05 Jan